Escape from the city grind...
Sarina boasts a relaxed and friendly atmosphere and is conveniently located just 20 minutes south of the Mackay City Gates ... far enough away to avoid the hustle and bustle of one of Australia's fastest growing regional cities; yet close enough to make the trip when needed.
Located on the Serenity Coast, well known for its golden sandy beaches, spectacular mountain ranges and national parks, this unique natural beauty combined with Queensland's incredible climate is what makes the Sarina region such a popular lifestyle choice.
Sarina is nestled in the foothills of the Connors Range on the Bruce Highway, 37 kms south of Mackay. A thriving sugar region with cane farms stretching for miles.
The region is also home to Hay Point and Dalrymple Bay which together make up the largest coal export facility in the southern hemisphere. Other established industries include Queensland Rail, Pacific National, Ethanol, Dairy, Beef, Tourism, Tropical Fruit Farming, Fishing and Prawning.
Sarina offers limitless choices for work, rest and recreation, making it an idyllic place to live.
The town is only 8 minutes from a host of picturesque sandy beaches, offshore islands and prime fishing areas.
At Pacific Parks Estate you'll have easy access to shopping centres, schools, recreational facilities and all essential services are only minutes away. The proposed on-site childcare centre will keep your family close to home.
"We like the convenience of the area. We are in town, close to the shops etc, but we still have peace and quiet. With Drew working in the mines its only a 2 hr drive for him to Dysart and a 15 min drive to my work at Paget."
Drew, Lyndia & Blaine